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seedlabs 2.0

SEED Labs 2.0

This version is now officially released. Here are the new features in this version:

  • Containers are used in the lab setup, significantly simplifying the setup for many labs.
  • Most labs have been revised, and new labs are added. Changes are summarized in this document.
  • The VM is 64-bit Ubuntu 20.04.

Instructor Manuals: We have prepared manuals for SEED Labs 2.0. Please visit this page to request an e-copy.

Want to join us? If you are interested in joining this open-source project, you can find all the information from here: https://github.com/seed-labs.

Ubuntu 16.04

SEED Labs 1.0

This version will be gradually phased out. It will still be available, but no support will be provided. We do suggest everybody to start moving to the new version.